e v e l y n *

Monday, September 26, 2005

today get back my ss paper.. quite happy lorr.. the marks.. hehe.19/25 wor... budden not happi.. b'cos never study ma...onli study 2nd que...and den got moderation...fuck la...actually is 22 de lorr today oso oral.. worst lorr.. c ms leong.. wad can be worst than that... b'cos yasmin never come.. den ms leong keep promting me.. den she keep saying all my wrong words.. sians i paly wif mdm ho's bag today.. hehe.. den b'cum typical aunty.. den i imitate her.. was super funni.. actually is b'cos i decided to be nice and helped her take her things. i'm nice.. hehe. den b4 oral oso got helped her.. den i say alot of things to her.. den she dunnoe wad den say "i kick u den u noe ar" den i replied cheekily la.. i said "u sure anot? later no one to help u liao ar" den she bo bian lorr.. den luff...